Monday, May 17, 2004

TiVo saviour of the advert?

It seems that TiVo is not the nemisis of advertisers, statistics (see Lies Damn Lies and Statistics further down) recently published by TiVo about the superbowl suggest that the adverts were the second most replayed aspect of the superbowl.

Apart from the fact that advertisers will be pleased, I have to wonder what these special adverts were like?  Are they still being aired?  I do not hesitate to fast forward through the adverts and in fact irrate friends (who force me to watch them) by mimicking the soundeffect of the TiVo fast forward.  For me they interrupt my mental process and ruin what I was watching.  I am as likely to get up and do something else forgetting what and why I was watching TV in the first place.  Surely I am not alone in this behaviour.

The quality of TV is suspect most of the time, hindered further by the fact that advertisers seem to only put effort in to addictive programming for a short time/special occasions, with those adverts/programs soon losing their appeal to the masses.  Maybe Blipverts from MAX HEADROOM was on the right line, at least they would only last a split second.

The good news is that I have recently bought my parents a TiVo :) 

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